Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Prince and Princess in PINK????

When two people (That would be me and Fred) who were sports mad until our late teens and beyond produce a child one would expect that aforesaid resulting child would ALSO turn out to at least have some interest in participating in some sporting event. WRONG!!!! I have never met a child so NOT into any form of sport...well she did try Little Athletics at 5 but broke her arm 6 weeks after starting it....in fact Little Miss K will tell you she doesnt play any sport because she doesnt like exercising!!!

However whilst Little Miss K doesnt like exercising she does dance. In fact she dances 6 dance classes a week!! Jazz Ballet, Hip Hop, Cheerleading, Acrobatics, Classical Ballet and a private lesson to rehearse and develop competition routines. She would love to also do Tap but being I am such a MEAN and NASTY mother I said no to that as she needs a life (actually I need a life) outside just dancing. 5 days a week you will find Fred and or myself at a dance studio dropping her off and picking her up....but according to Little Miss K dancing isn't exercising it's just fun...

Which leads me to " A Prince and Princess in Pink".  A second member of our Clan has taken up dancing...in fact Classical Ballet....in work boots!!! Yes Fred is going to be dancing as Little Miss K's dance partner this year...not only in the end of year dance concert but ALSO in Competition later this year!!! For a man who has two left feet and no sense of rythmn AND the fact he has to dance classical ballet steps in work boots he is doing really well. You see Little Miss K begged her Daddy to dance with her this year and I'm proud to say he agreed to do it. He has accepted that he WILL be wearing a pink leotard with a pink tutu and work boots. He has accepted he will be wearing full face make up while wearing his beard. He has accepted he will be wearing fake eyelashes with jewels on them. He has accepted he will be the clown to Little Miss K's prim and proper ballerina trying to teach him to dance.

So to date they have been rehearsing each week and I was allowed to see some of the rehearsals and they are coming on really well.....but I am concerned...while looking at plain hot pink lycra the other week for his leotard Fred quite calmly announced...." I want sparkles" in a voice reminiscent of a Little Britain Character sort of an "I want that one".... Maybe he is getting too serious about this....or maybe he is getting in touch with the inner girlie within in....I think this needs to be kept an eye on...

So there you have it a Prince and Princess in Pink....photos will be posted as soon as we take some...

1 comment:

The barefoot lifting witch said...

That is about the sweetest thing I've ever heard. Can't wait to see those photo's!!