Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Who the hell am I??? Well....

....some of you who follow my blog have met me in person and so have an inkling as to who I am and what I like...some of you are friends I have made online and met in real life and the rest of you have met me online and have become someone I call a friend...so I thought that just maybe I should give you all an insight to me so here is a list of things you might NOT know about me...

- I like Old Master Paintings - Rembrant, Rubens, Bottecelli etc
- I like my steak well done and dead...not mooing and still bleeding and running around my plate
- I dont wear dresses as a rule....OK I wore a dress the last time we were in Tuvalu but that was only because we went to a wedding!!!

- I have a metal bridge in my mouth with 4 false teeth on it
- Vegemite is my favourite spread on toast or a sandwich
- I have several tattoos

- When Fred snores he drives me bat shit and I have been known to bruise him in an effort to get him to  SHUT UP!!!
- Mummy time is NEVER interrupted by Fred and Little Miss K..unless blood is involved
- Having an underactive thyroid is a major contributor to my weight problem
- I dont have a problem with being overweight...but apparently other people do GET A LIFE PEOPLE!! Just because I'm fat doesnt mean I am stupid or lazy!!!
- I am terrible at housework....I have an extremely well lived in house...it is untidy but clean
- Who says you have to wear matching socks??
- I am renown for going out wearing my t-shirts inside out, back to front OR both at the same time
- Hubby and I have been together 14 years...married for 13yrs this year.....but due to his work hubby has been away for around 8 years in total during the past 14 years
- I dislike hot chips
- but I like baked potatoes
- I kill everything green and growing except 3 cactii Fred and Little Miss K bought me 3 years ago
- Picnics in bed are great
- I'm not a fan of ice cream but when I do eat it I usually prefer vanilla
- I havent met a chocolate I didnt like yet
- I have two middle names... Henrica  and Elizabeth after both my Grandmothers
- One of my Grandmothers is still alive at 92 and she still lives independantly

- I hope I look as good as my Oma when I get to 92
- I love reading other peoples blogs
- I am a hoarder....I have married a hoarder
- This is my second marriage...Fred says he is being environmentally friendly and recycling me
- Fred is 7 1/2 years younger than me...that makes me a COUGAR...yeah baby

- I have a very ecclectic taste in music from the classics to heavy metal and everything in between
- I was a champion swimmer in my teens
- I love to cook
- I love to scrapbook...paper or digital...I do 'em both
- Fred tells me I am anally retentive when it comes to correct gramma and speling and punktuation
- I cannot text using shrtcts or abb. txt I have to write everything out
- Little Miss K has to do everything for me with the tv remotes...once she goes to bed I am stuck on whatever channel is on most of the time
- I have a Diploma in Canteen Management and Operation
- I love to travel but hate flying...I dont have a fear of flying but it just drives me nuts to be stuck in one place for so long til I get to where I am going
- I dont iron....except when Fred asks me to iron his uniforms
- I dont buy clothes that need ironing
- I can spot a mark down at 500 paces
- I can whip a meal for 30 people up in under half an hour
- I cant cook for 3 people....we eat a lot of leftovers in this house
- IKEA is the best place on earth!!! I love it....last time we went there I was after a $300 wall unit...thank goodness Fred put the trailer on the car as I spent $3000!!!! Then he had to put it all together
- I am very quick in the shower
- I hate sewing and knitting because I dont do them well

So Dear Read know you know just a little more about me.....many thanks to Romina over at the Martyr-hood blog for giving me the idea for my blog today.....


Simona said...

Thank you for sharing Maree I feel that I know you a little more now, I love the fact that you are wearing non-matching socks! and what to say about your toy boy 7 1/2 half years younger....you are a wonderful couple with an awesomely beautiful daughter! Keep it up Sista

Toni said...

You dag! this REALLY made me laugh, great post.