Saturday, October 13, 2012

Back....yet again....

Yup back...AGAIN...I know I know I am such a SPECTACULARLY horrible poster when it comes to my blog......HUGELY not has been over 12 months since I last posted anything. It's not that I don't have anything to write about its just (insert whiney voice here) that by the time I have checked everyones birthdays, looked at photos, planted, watered and harvested my crops and animals, sheared some chickens and plucked some sheep, fired colored balls at other colored balls, guessed some song titles and generally trolled my day is just about done and I just forget to get in here!!! Oh I should also say I also manage to do school runs, washing, cleaning, grocery shopping, running Little Miss K to her 8 dance classes a week (yes 8!! She says she doesnt play sport because she doesn't like to exercise) and tend to the occassional things that need to be done for Fred (like ummmm.....well just stuff).

You know some days I think to myself "Gee I really must write something on my blog" and then I get distr....ooooh look colored balls to fire at other colored balls,,,,oh sorry ummm yeah sometimes, well lots of times I think I have this great topic to write about and then just forget to come here. Not a great excuse but it's mine and the only one I have.  I really admire those who do post regularly and my friend Toni (who you can find here ) always inspires me with some of her thoughtful posts and makes me feel guitly that I dont write more. The funny thing is I enjoy the writing so I have decided I AM going to TRY and make more of an effort to get in here and share my thoughts with you Dear Reader even if some of what I write can be pretty mundane.

 I have started a....wait for it....A LIST!!!! Yup I have pen and paper to hand near my computer so when an idea comes into my head I will write it all down and then impart my words of wisdom with you.....will it work....I dont know but as long as the pen stays nailed to my desk we should be good....for a while...well heres hoping

1 comment:

Toni said...


I love it when I see you've posted something.
But I totally get the whole distracted thing....