Wednesday, March 9, 2011

THAT MAN!!!! . . . . . a love letter

THAT MAN. . . . . . . as many of you would be aware my husband of 13yrs has recently finished a 2 1/2 year overseas posting to Tuvalu.....for 2 1/2 years he has come in and out of mine and Little Miss K's life....home for a few weeks then gone again.....or we would fly up to see him in Tuvalu.....or we would meet him in Fiji for a week to 10 days.....

For 2 1/2 years I was Mum and  sometimes Dad....I did the washing, the cleaning, changing light globes, putting the bins out, doing school lunches, doing the school run, almost living down at the dance studio while Little Miss K did 6 dance lessons a week, attending School Mass, parent teacher meetings, nursing Little Miss K through coughs and colds, cuts and bruises, wiped away her tears, feeding the dog, doing the grocery shopping and putting it away and every thing else that running a household entails.....dont get me wrong I knew that this was how things would be when we got together and that married  life with an RAN sailor would be hard at times and interesting and testing and trying......but suddenly WHAMMO!!!

THAT MAN is suddenly back in our lives!!! Suddenly there is another person in my bed who likes to hog the covers and snores....this person suddenly takes on jobs I have been doing for the last couple of years....I mean who does he think he is??? I am PERFECTLY capable of putting the bin out and I do know how to use the washing machine you know......I am sure that I can load a dishwasher.....take  Little Miss K to school and dance.... oh and did I point out that your odiferous man smells are still just that very odiferous but now I have you and Little Miss K and the dog all competing to see who can be the stinkiest of the lot....

You forget at times you are no longer driving in Tuvalu where the speed limit is only 30kph and then you think you can do whatever speed you isnt as "relaxed" as it was in the South Pacific.... is nice to be part of a pair again.....nice to have an adult to talk to at night.....nice to have someone else do the washing, putting the bins out, take Little Miss K to school and dance, feeding the dog, helping out with the grocery shopping and the putting away of aforesaid groceries, doing all the driving ...even if I may possibly need trauma counselling soon , I can even put up with the snoring and the doona hogging.

I have missed THAT MAN and he has so easily slipped back into our lives, the transition has been a lot easier than I thought it would be. Yes we still have our moments but THAT MAN is MY MAN!!! He treats me and Little Miss K like Princess's...nothing is too much effort for him , he rarely complains even when he has to clean up any "accidents" the Fur Baby may leave from time to time, he does the washing, he is a dab hand with the "Easy Off BAM" cleaning stuff. No matter how horrid I am to him from time to time- well ok a right BIATCH- he loves me unconditionally no matter what and accepts me for who I am.. He is the best Daddy in the World (just ask Little Miss K)


My husband, lover, best friend, soul mate, my reason for living....This is My Fred....I love you!!!!



We still need to work on the odiferous man smells!!!!


Marie said...

Oh Maree that was beautiful tribute to your husband .. Glad you are back ..

Toni said...


I'm so happy for you guys, you've done it hard over the last few years and you deserve some time together!

Terri said...

welcome back to the blogging world!!

scrappin' girl said...

BEAUTIFUL post Maree, my hubby was in RAAF for 20yrs ... some days are a lot harder than others aren't they!!! glad he is back home !!!!!!

shazzabee said...

glad hubby is home for You Maree.

Even having them home all the time doesn't make you use to the man smells . lol

Maree said...

Thanks girl THAT MAN also know as Fred is my rock...the past 2 and a half years have been hard yakka and some days I just wanted to give up BUT the sacrifices we have made have been worth it and if anything our relationship is forging ahead straonger than ever....